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Why Counselors are a great tool to access in college

Counselors are one of the best resources you have in college and high school. But what did I know in high school. I thought they were just a waste of time and that I would be fine without them.

I wish I had talked to my high school counselor my freshman year of high school but I didn’t, instead I finally asked for her help my junior year. Yup, the time when I was starting to think about college and my classes for senior year. Was she helpful? She was helpful when it came to picking out classes and how to approach them. When it came to my college decisions and questions, I got nothing.

What did I do instead?

I talked to another counselor and she totally understood my situation. After that experience I realized it’s totally okay to talk to another counselor even it they’re not assigned to you. If one doesn’t have the answer there is always someone else who can help you out.

Coming into college I knew that talking to my counselor would be important but I also knew that some counselors weren’t good (at least that’s what I heard). I didn’t want to make the same mistake I did in high school by not getting to know my counselor. My perspective on counselors changed when I met my first year counselor. She is kind, informative, funny, understanding, and just a great counselor for me.

Here is a list of how grow your relationship with your counselor

  • Meet with your counselor often

​I met with my counselor a week before school started because I had no idea what I was doing or that I was even on the right path to get started in college. After that I visited her about once or twice a month.

  • Don’t just talk about school related topics

Mention the last game you watched or something interesting from the news.

  • Interview your counselor for a research paper you’re working on

  • Always ask about financial aid and classes to take for the upcoming semester

  • Try to learn about them

  • Talk to your counselor about your plans for college and how you’re getting involved

  • Ask for club recommendations and ways to get adjusted to college or high school

  • Ask about their own profession, if you’re interested in what they do

  • Remember they are always there to help

You shouldn’t be afraid of talking to your counselor. Take advantage of their resources and ask questions, and if you're lucky maybe your counselor will have free candy.

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